Admissions Policy

Set out below are the general principles and criteria we use to determine Admissions to our Beaver, Cub and Scout Sections, and to manage a Waiting List. This Policy is based on our experience and the current circumstances for 4th/6th Stirling Group at our Park church premises. Parents should note that other Groups’ Admissions Policies may differ in detail, but all should comply with Scout Association PORs (Policies and Regulations). There is no “automatic right” to membership. Any final decision rests with the Group Scout Leader, but still in compliance with the Association’s Equal Opportunity Policy. In instances of dispute there can be a reference to the DC (District Commissioner). Personal data relating to current and prospective members is held in compliance with GDPR regulations.

  1. Waiting List

  2. Criteria
    considered for Admission

  3. Capacities
    and flexibilities

  4. Other

We don’t own our premises, so capacities are set by the size of halls we use, the terms of our Let, and the length of time spent in each Section. In addition, we have to comply with the limits set by the ratio of Leaders to Members that apply for each Section.

Waiting List

The only Waiting List is for the Beaver Section. This is managed by the Group Lead Volunteer, albeit through discussion with the Beaver Leader. Parents of prospective Beavers may lodge names of their children with the Group Lead Volunteer from age 5 years. The Beaver Section is ongoingly managed at or near an upper level of 24. Scouting follows the school year, so there are 4 main timings, at the start of term, when new Beavers join from the Waiting List, or pass on to Cubs.

Criteria considered for Admission

  • For
    Beaver candidates : Time on Waiting List & match with starting
    age (6 years)

  • For
    Beaver candidates : Older siblings already in our Group

  • All
    sections : Parent already in Leadership, Executive or Volunteer role

  • All
    sections : Already in Scouting and moved into area

  • All
    sections : Undertaking to take on Leadership, Executive or Volunteer

The Group Lead Volunteer and Section Leaders will use the above, and in roughly this order, when making a choice for limited places in the Sections. Parents and Families of applicants will be advised that it is an expectation that they will help in one of the fashions suggested above, and that this is likely to advance the case for their child.

Capacities and flexibilities

With the size and matching of the Halls used to the various Sections, and the length of time in each, we have developed a good understanding of optimum Section size :

  • Beavers
    : Managed
    to an upper level of at or around 24
    Beavers at any one time

  • Cubs
    : Design roll of 30 Cubs, though experience shows this varying +/- 5

  • Scouts
    : Design roll of 42 Scouts. Outdoor emphasis shown to allow higher

There is currently no Waiting List for either Cub or Scout Sections. Places are guaranteed within our Group for Beavers moving up to Cubs, and thence to Scouts. However, when spaces arise in Cubs and Scouts, through members giving up or moving away, there will be opportunities for these Section Leaders to fill them with “outside” candidates. The SL and CSL will consider these candidates against the .Criteria above and by review with the Group Lead Volunteer

Other options

The Scout Association tries to offer the complete Scouting experience to as great a number as can be managed. Our own Group have lived up to this over the years as we are regularly at capacity; so therefore, some applicants have to wait, or are disappointed. However, we operate in an area with at least 5 other Scout Groups within easy travelling distance, who are not all full, so this can be improved upon.

All Sections in our Group meet on a Friday evening, whereas most other nearby Groups use different days and times. Some own their own premises and have more than one Section, operating on different nights. We also appreciate that other nights might be preferable to Fridays for some, so some switching is inevitable.

To assist those in this position we direct them to the District Website which details other local Groups, their Locations, the Sections they run, the nights they meet on and identify a Contact for each. Otherwise, we would suggest they make representation to the DC.