


Helping at social events that are run from time to time, Christmas fairs, quiz evenings, AGM where we serve teas and coffees. Duties include making tea and coffee, washing up and general tidying up.  Setting up hall with chairs and tables in advance of an event and tiding away at the end.

If you would like to become a permanent leader or helper on a regular basis please contact myself for more details.  A PVG would be required as well as completing safeguarding, safety, GDPR modules online.  Also you would have to be interviewed by our Appointments Committee.

Running an evening at Beavers, Cubs or Scouts

If you have a particular hobby that you think our Scouts would be interested in please let your Beaver, Cub or Scout Leader know.

Helping at Camps

Help is always needed at Camps whether it is helping with food preparation, tiding up after a camp or helping with our young adults.