
We are the 4th/6th Stirling Scout Group

We meet on Friday evenings during term-time and are based at Park Church, Stirling

Beavers from 6:15-7:15pm (cost per annum is currently £90 per child) Cubs from 6-7:30pm (cost per annum is currently £100 per child) and Scouts from 7:15-9:15pm, (cost per annum is currently £100 per child).

Our members take part in a wide range of activities including games, crafts, visits, community events, good turns, map reading, camp cooking and first aid along with plenty of outdoor activities. Parents tell us their children benefit hugely from the adventures, fun and friendships they experience. It can help develop social skills and independence and give them access to some amazing and memorable opportunities.

They will also have the opportunity to take part in the fun and excitement of camps and sleepovers. It’s a real adventure for them.

If you would like to join us please go to our contact us page, we would love to hear from you. 

Group Lead Volunteer

The Group Scout Leader manages the Group and is responsible for its support and development and the programme of activities it offers to young people. The Group Chair and the Trustee Board support the Group Lead Volunteer and ensure the effective administration of the Scout Group.



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The content on this website is the copyright of the 4th & 6th Stirling Scout Group 2016.